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Recovering from Hurricane Irma with Art and Community

Our lives in Florida were interrupted by Hurricane Irma last week and everything was put on hold to prepare for survival…and then there was the cleanup.

We didn’t know what direction this storm would take until literally the last minute. So I chose to stay in my sturdy 90-year-old home surrounded by huge trees. When the storm arrived, the trees swayed frantically in the dark, and the sky lit up with colors of lightening and blown transformers. The strong winds led to anxiety, terrifying feelings, and a sleepless night. Tornado warnings sent me hiding under the steps in a 2.5 x 4 ft closet.

Once the storm passed, I was left with a yard full of debris and no electric for a little over 24 hours. My loved ones came through the ordeal unscathed. For that I am grateful. Others’ homes and places in my city were not as lucky. Parks were damaged. Businesses and homes were flooded, and the loss is still being calculated. People are displaced and hurting as our community pulls together.

To “not feel safe” is unsettling to say the least. Turning to my art makes me feel good. Preparing for my event with the Civic Orchestra of Jacksonville gives me a sense of purpose. The work I created hangs in my living room. Each morning I watch the light move across it, and I feel joy! I subconsciously hear the music of Camille Saint-Saens’ Organ Symphony, which will be performed by the orchestra and organist Timothy Tuller. I am anxious to share my painting with you in person!

Art has a way of pulling a community together and provides a space of safety. You are invited to come see my art and attend the free concert on Sunday, October 1 at 5pm at St. Johns Cathedral in Jacksonville. Come to experience a wonderful concert and allow a sense of peace, joy, and safety to envelope you!

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